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Shower Filters for Better Water Quality


Installing shower filters is the easiest and quickest way to protect one's family from the negative side effects that chlorine has on the human body. It is now not a question whether one needs a shower filter but a question of which shower filter will produce the best results in reducing and eliminating the exposure of chlorine and chloramines. Many government controlled water municipalities have been for years adding chlorine in water and justifying themselves that the benefits of doing so outweigh any risk associated with daily exposure. While the benefits might be many, there is need to protect oneself from chlorine as it is said to cause diseases such as bladder cancer and birth defects.


There various types off shower                 filter available in the market today. They come in various colors, styles, and configuration and also the prices are also different. The price of shower filters however is usually not related with how well it can be able to neutralize chlorine in water. Paying more does also not guarantee better performance of the shower filter. There are factors therefore that one should consider in determining which shower filter is best for them. One of the factors is the type of the disinfectants used in the water supply. They are either free chlorine or chloramines. When it is free chlorine, they are simple to neutralize with a majority of the shower filters in the markets. Chloramines however, requires the use of reagents which are specifically designed for the purpose. One should therefore contact their local water company to find which one they are using.


The flow rate and the water pressure is another factor that should be taken into consideration. A majority of shower filters reduce the water pressure while showering. Shower filters in the market come with their own shower heads so as one can adjust them to offset this phenomenon. The sediment level is another aspect of consideration. Water that has high level of sediments can quickly nullify the capability of reducing chlorine or chloramines in water. For more info about shower filter, visit


There are a variety of media which are used in shower filters to neutralize chlorine or chloramines. They include kinetic degradation Fluxion (KDF), Activated charcoal (AC), Vitamin C(ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate), Calcium sulfite(chlorgon), Ceramics (far infrared) and negative ions. Most of the shower filters are a combination of two or more about these items. However, a majority of shower filters have a combination of AC and KDF. There also those that only have one type of media such as the Vitamin C shower filters.

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